Recently, in order to fully implement the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy"doubledoublepoker"Opinions" and the "Notice on Strengthening Financial Support Measures to Help the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" by eight ministries and commissions including the People's Bank of China, the People's Bank of China's Shanghai City Branch, the Municipal Party Committee Financial Office, the Shanghai Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of China, the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic and Information Commission, the Municipal Finance Committee, and the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out the" Shanghai Financial Support for High-Quality Development Service Month of the Private Economy "(Shanghai Yinfa [2024] No. 26). The "Notice" mentions "promoting the regional equity market to better serve private enterprises", and it is necessary to promote the Shanghai Stock Exchange Center's "specialized, specialized and innovative" special board with the Shanghai Private Equity and Venture Capital Share Transfer Platform, and the Shanghai Stock Option Comprehensive Service Pilot Platform Complementary functions and integrated development to better meet the equity financing needs of private enterprises.

doubledoublepoker| Eight ministries and commissions issued a document to promote Shanghai's specialized, special and new panels to serve private enterprises

The Shanghai Specialized, Specialized, Special and New Special Board is filed and publicized by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and under the guidance of 12 units including the Municipal Party Committee Financial Office, the Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission, the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau. It is specifically constructed and operated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange Center, mainly serving specialized sectors of specialized, specialized and new enterprises and other enterprises with specialized, specialized and new development potential. In the next step, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Center will continue to leverage the resource advantages of private equity and venture capital share transfer platforms, use stock options to innovate financial tools, and combine the "January One Chain" investment and financing roadshow activities to provide multi-faceted and full-cycle professional capital market services to promote high-quality development of enterprises.