It House May 11 news, SAIC yesterday held a Roewe DMH super hybrid technology brand conference, released the "DMH super hybrid technology" technology brand.

propokeramateur| SAIC: It will reverse export technologies such as plug-in and hybrid systems and smart driving cabins to foreign car companies

At the meeting, Lu Yong, deputy general manager of SAIC passenger car Company, executive vice president of SAIC Innovation Research and Development Institute and executive deputy director of the Technology Center, revealed that SAIC will cooperate with other automobile brands in many aspects at the technical level.

"in the future, SAIC's car body platform, plug-in system, smart driving module and other technologies will be exported in reverse, and some foreign brands will be supplied," he said. "

"at present, a hundred flowers blossom in hybrid technology, products emerge one after another, and user acceptance is getting higher and higher. some data predict that by 2025, pure electricity and plug-in will appear at 1:1. The spring of plug-in is already around us. "

According to reports, SAIC DMH super hybrid technology has three major technical characteristics: modularization, integration and specialization. According to the modular design and serialized configuration, the system can cover the driving needs and fuel consumption regulations of different users all over the world through a set of systems to match different hybrid routes such as PHEV / EREV / HEV.

At the same time, the system has many leading technologies, such as "energy domain" global thermal management, powertrain brain PICU, engine + P1 motor coaxial structure, etc., with software algorithm as the core, matching special hardware such as hybrid high-efficiency engine, gearbox, long-lasting battery and so on.

It House noted that the DMH super hybrid technology has been equipped with Roewe D7 DMH, Roewe D5X DMH and other models, of which the Roewe D7 DMH has completed the challenge of 1962km ultra-long range, with an average fuel consumption of 2.Propokeramateur.8L .

Qiu Jie, vice president of SAIC Innovation Research and Development Institute and general manager of Jie Neng Automobile Company, said that in the next three years, the DMH super hybrid technology brand will carry out higher-dimensional performance improvement in five key areas: engine, gearbox, battery, motor, and energy control brain. For example, the thermal efficiency of the engine will break through to 46% and take the lead in meeting the "Euro 7" emission standard in China; in terms of gearbox technology, the target carbon dioxide emissions of the oil-electric hybrid route will not exceed 95 g / km, and the plug-in hybrid and incremental electric routes will adopt a new dual coaxial scheme; the energy control brain will be continuously optimized, and the concept of the next generation vehicle energy center is expected to be released in 2025.

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