In the financial market, the discrete rate of return of stocks is one of the important indicators to measure investment performance. It can help investors understand the volatility of stock prices, so as to provide a basis for investment decisions. But how to accurately calculate the discrete rate of return? This paper will introduce in detail the steps and methods of calculating the discrete rate of return.

First, we need to clarify the concept of discrete rate of return. Discrete rate of return refers to the rate of return between the highest point and the lowest point of the stock price over a period of time. Its calculation formula is as followsCrash4it'sabouttime:

Discrete rate of return = (highest price-lowest price) / lowest price

This formula shows that the discrete rate of return is the ratio of the change of the stock price over a period of time to the lowest price. Through this formula, we can calculate the discrete rate of return of the stock and understand its price fluctuation.

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To gain a deeper understanding of discrete returns, let's look at a specific example. Suppose the price of a stock is 10 yuan in January, the highest price is 15 yuan in February, and the lowest price is 8 yuan. Then, the discrete rate of return is (15-8) / 8 = 0.Crash4it'sabouttime. 875 . This means that the price of the stock fluctuated by 87% between January and FebruaryCrash4it'sabouttime.5%.

It should be noted that the discrete rate of return is only an indicator of stock price volatility. In the investment decision, investors also need to consider itsCrash4it'sabouttimeOther factors, such as the company's financial situation, market environment, macroeconomic factors and so on. In addition, the discrete rate of return can not directly reflect the return of the stock, because it does not take into account factors such as stock dividends and stock buybacks.

In a word, discrete rate of return is an important index to understand the fluctuation of stock price. By calculating the discrete rate of return, investors can better understand the risks and returns of stocks, so as to make more informed investment decisions. At the same time, investors also need to consider other factors, such as the company's financial situation, market environment, macroeconomic factors, in order to comprehensively evaluate the investment value of stocks.

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