Glonghui May 8 δΈ¨ China High Precision (00591arcadegames.HK) Announcementarcadegames, the company's board of directors notedarcadegames, the stock price and trading volume of the company's shares have recently experienced unusual fluctuations.

Having made all reasonable inquiries about the Company in the relevant circumstances, the Board confirmed that it was not aware of any cause of fluctuations in stock prices or trading volumes, or any information that must be published to avoid the emergence of a false market in the Company's securities, or any inside information that is required to be disclosed under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571, Laws of Hong Kong). The Company also confirmed that there have been no significant changes in the business operations and financial conditions of the Company and its subsidiaries.

arcadegames| China High-precision (00591.HK) share price fluctuates abnormally and has not experienced any major changes in its business operations and financial conditions