
Narrow finishing of screw thread surface yesterdayWedpowerballnumbersThe closing price of thread 2410 contract was 3682 yuan / ton, which was the same as the closing price of the previous trading day, and the position decreased by 6%.Wedpowerballnumbers.240,000 hands. Spot prices rose steadily and transactions fell. The price of Qiananpu billet in Tangshan area rose 30 yuan / ton to 3490 yuan / ton; the price of Zhongtian thread in Hangzhou market was unchanged at 3600 yuan / ton, and the national trading volume of building materials was 155000 tons. According to my steel net data, this week the national thread output rose 79200 tons to 2.1787 million tons month-on-month, reducing 843200 tons in the lunar calendar compared with the same period last year; the social warehouse fell 415300 tons to 7.5486 million tons, 623,300 tons lower than the same period of the lunar calendar; and the factory warehouse decreased by 218,800 tons to 2,599,300 tons. The lunar calendar decreased by 91,300 tons. This week, the thread table needs to fall by 50100 tons to 2.8158 million tons from the previous month, and 516300 tons less than the same period of the lunar calendar. Thread weekly production rebounded, inventory fell for the fifth consecutive week, the decline has narrowed, the table needs to be high and slightly lower, the data performance is slightly lower than expected, but the total thread inventory has fallen to a lower level. According to the National Development and Reform Commission, a total of 700 billion yuan will be invested in the central budget this year. So far, more than 200 billion yuan has been issued. In addition, 1 trillion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds will be issued this year. At present, the supply and demand of threads has improved, there are still loose expectations at the policy level, and the short-term market may still be on the strong side.

Iron ore:

Yesterday, the price of i2409, the main contract of iron ore futures, continued to rise, closing at 874 yuan / ton, up 4 yuan / ton, or 0.5%, over the previous trading day. 530000 lots were traded and 17000 positions were reduced. Port spot prices have risen, Rizhao Port PB powder prices rose 2 yuan / ton to 884 yuan / ton, super powder prices rose 10 yuan / ton to 733 yuan / ton. The supply side, affected by seasonality last week, saw a sharp drop in shipments and an increase in port-to-port volume at 45 ports compared with the previous month. On the demand side, according to mysteel data, hot metal output increased by 14700 tons to 2.2622 million tons, daily consumption of imported mines increased by 8300 tons to 2.7657 million tons, dredging volume decreased by 13500 tons to 3.008 million tons, demand continued to improve, and hot metal production continued to pick up. On the inventory side, the port inventory is 720900 to 145.59 million tons higher than that of the accumulated warehouse, and the inventory of steel mills has increased by 447600 tons to 93.64 million tons. Long and short intertwined, iron ore prices are expected to continue to show a volatile trend.

Coking coal:

Yesterday, the coking coal market continued a strong shock trend. On the closing day, the closing price of the 2409 contract of coking coal was 1791.5 yuan / ton, up 4.5 yuan / ton, or 0.25%, compared with the previous trading day. The position increased by 14.13 million hands. Spot aspect, Luliang market coking coal operation is strong, low-sulfur main coking coal A ≤ 12.5 S ≤ 0.5 ≤ 25 ≤ G ≥ 85 transaction price of 1910 yuan / ton. Mongolia's imported coking coal market is running strongly, and the market is bullish. Now it is happy to have 1330 of Mengli raw coal and 1560 of Mengli clean coal at Maodu port. On the supply side, the release of coal mine production is still limited, recent shipments are good, and coal mine inventories continue to decline. On the demand side, individual coke companies raised coke prices again yesterday, the market trading atmosphere was obviously heated up, and some coking plants entered the market to take goods and replenish the stock actively. It is expected that the short-term coking coal disk performance shock is on the strong side.


The surface of coke rose slightly yesterday, and the closing price of coke 2405 contract was 2301 yuan / ton, up 13 yuan / ton, or 0.57%, compared with the closing price of the previous trading day. Port coke spot market shock operation, Rizhao Port quasi-first-class metallurgical coke prices rose 60 yuan / ton to 1980 yuan / ton. On the supply side, coking mostly maintained the pace of early production reduction, and there was no increase in production. On the demand side, the pace of terminal steel destocking accelerated, hot metal production rebounded steadily, this week the average daily hot metal output rebounded 14700 tons to 2.2622 million tons. Market sentiment has warmed up, and individual coke enterprises have launched a second round of rally. It is expected that the coke disk will still run with strong shock in the short term.


On Thursday, the main ferrosilicon contract rose 2.07% to close at 6700 yuan / ton. The total price of No. 72 ferrosilicon spot remittance in Inner Mongolia was 6200 yuan / ton, and that in Ningxia was 6250 yuan / ton. The spot price was unchanged from the previous month. In terms of supply and demand, ferrosilicon is similar to manganese silicon, production and demand is improving marginally, startup and Nissan continue to decline, supply is shrinking, and demand is gradually improving. In the main producing areas, except Gansu, basically turn losses into profits, the profit is about 100-200 yuan / ton, the production profit is better than manganese silicon. Overall, during the steel recruitment period, demand has been released, market sentiment has improved, ferrosilicon prices are supported, and short-term ferrosilicon prices are expected to show a strong shock trend.

wedpowerballnumbers| Everbright Futures Mining, Steel and Coal Charts Daily 4.19

Silicon manganese:

On Thursday, the main manganese silicon contract rose 1.81% to close at 6524 yuan / ton. The spot market price of 6517 silicon and manganese in Inner Mongolia was 5900 yuan / ton, and the spot price of 6517 silicon and manganese in Ningxia was 5850 yuan / ton. The range ranges from 20 yuan to 70 yuan per ton. From the point of view of supply and demand, the margin is improving, the mainstream steel pricing, and the procurement of other steel mills are in progress, the demand has been released to a certain extent, and the market transaction has improved. Manganese ore price increases, production costs continue to rise, cost support is strong, driving the manganese silicon price center of gravity continues to move up. Overall, the recent improvement in market sentiment, strong cost support, spot prices raised slightly, short-term manganese silicon prices may still show a strong shock trend.