Wen, Qi Yongchao

Yesterday, he was still struggling with setting foot on the real estate, but it may be fine today.EagamesblockchainThere was a lot, and the real estate, which had been carrying the banner, split up on Thursday.

As there is no equivalent volume of the plate to undertake, the index has turned back, but seems to have fallen a little hard. However, again, it is only when you fall down that you have a chance to get on board.

At present, some of the funds in the market are beginning to shift to sound, defensive varieties, such as the medicine we talked about yesterday. Some of the funds are turned to offensive varieties, such as PEEK materials, AIPC and the recent outbreak of photovoltaics. Today, we will focus on these hot spots.

The new offensive main line appears.

Abnormal movement of AIPC and PEEK materials

From this period of time, the phenomenon of super heavyweights setting up the stage has disappeared, and some large, medium and small plates began to relay.

Under such a rotation, the index has ushered in a good round of repair in the near future. For example, the Shanghai Composite Index has risen to a stage high of 3174 points, while the Shenzhen Stock Index and the growth Enterprise Market have rebounded.

But today, there have been some changes in the situation, in addition to market factors, mainly affected by the substantial adjustment of some hot plates, the three major indices have stepped back to the position of 20 antennas. It can be seen from the market that there is an urgent need for defense. As for the next is rapid repair, horizontal consolidation, continuous adjustment, may also need to look at real estate, non-ferrous metals and other large-weight plate performance.

In addition to these weight plates, some small and medium-sized topic stocks are very active, such as PEEK materials, AIPC and the recent outbreak of low-level photovoltaic. Today, PEEK materials rose more than 6% in intraday trading, and photovoltaic stocks rose by nearly 3% in volume.

Let's talk separately.

PEEK material is a new type of engineering plastics, which involves many fields, such as medical treatment, aerospace, automobile manufacturing, electronics and so on. Previously, Tesla's second-generation robot may have used PEEK material to lose weight and made this plate popular. Recently, due to the relevant positive stimulus, the heat of the low-altitude economy has been heating up repeatedly, because the low-altitude economy will increase the demand for lightweight materials such as PEEK. Therefore, the capital speculation low-level economy at the same time will also be extended to the PEEK material end.

For example, Kent shares, Fuheng New Materials, Chongde Technology and Walter shares in PEEK materials are all started at relatively low levels. But the direction of the market wind is changing rapidly these days, if the market is strong, then there may be opportunities for rotation later.

The concept of AIPC is also hot these days. Related concepts such as Yingli shares have received three "20cm" trading limits in a row. Some of the following stocks have also begun to move, such as Fei Rongda, Raytheon Technology, Siquan New Materials, and so on.

AIPC emotional bibcock (0521 learning while doing a case) 20CM*3 connection board, plate mood spread to incremental links, superimposed copper cable high-speed links high boom, the market to find a new breakthrough-electromagnetic shielding, AIPC will not only increase electromagnetic shielding demand, in the server high-speed links represented by GB200, there is more incremental demand, related stocks against the market, which kind of companies are easy to become the leaderEagamesblockchain? There is nothing to fall after the Beijing Stock Exchange shrank by 1 / 10, and the funds overflowing from the motherboard swept the market, how to seize a new round of opportunities? For details, see "learn while doing" today.

The concept of photovoltaic is restless

New themes superimposed on the old track

In addition to PEEK materials and AIPC, I would also like to focus on photovoltaic today.

Because photovoltaic has been called back for a long time, many people may have forgotten about this plate. Recently, however, photovoltaic faucets have risen one after another. In addition, some photovoltaic targets and PEEK materials, AIPC these two concepts also have some cross or correlation, so bring it over to say.

The collective rise of the photovoltaic plate is yesterday, the head companies such as Longji Green Energy, Tongwei shares (hundreds of billions of market capitalization; intraday limit), TCL Central and so on have rebound collectively.

This is also superimposed behind the BC battery, heterojunction battery (HIT), TOPCon battery, POE film and other photovoltaic subdivision track or industry chain.

Today, the photovoltaic plate with the market adjustment has also appeared differentiation, and then the collective attack has been some difficulty, because as a weight plate, incremental bullets are obviously insufficient. However, many stocks are still very strong, such as Walter shares, Fei Rongda, Qingyuan shares, Touri Xinneng, Tianchen shares and so on. Walter shares also have the concept of PEEK materials, Fei Rongda also has the concept of AIPC.

The rise in the photovoltaic sector may be related to the following factors, such as photovoltaic related meetings, encouraging industry mergers and restructuring, market style tilting to overfall and expected reversal style, superimposed stimulation of other concepts such as PEEK materials and AIPC, and some individual stock market. The rest is no longer unfolded, in short, the rebound of the photovoltaic plate should have both internal requirements and external drivers.

Whether this plate can continue to rebound or continue depends on whether the above factors will continue to work, including but not limited to the above factors.

But one key point is the cycle of the photovoltaic industry itself. Recently, the overall price of the photovoltaic industry chain is under pressure, and the prices of silicon materials, wafers and components are falling. As a result, the performance of many companies is under pressure or differentiation, and the valuation and stock price of photovoltaic companies as a whole are at a low level. The market pays more attention to the logic of emotional items and expectations reversal.

However, the performance of photovoltaic companies is not one-size-fits-all, but there is a considerable proportion of structural improvement.

eagamesblockchain| A new offensive main line appears! Hillhouse, Chen Fashu and Ge Weidong are paying attention to these

Thanks to the increase in equipment orders and product shipments, the performance of many companies increased last year; the performance of some companies declined last year and reversed and improved in the first quarter this year.

For example, combined with last year's annual report, this year's quarterly report, photovoltaic accessories (refers to glass, silver paste, bracket, backplane, etc.), photovoltaic processing equipment blue chip stock, but also includes some inverters, silicon wafers, photovoltaic cell modules.

From the stock price point of view, some blue chip stocks (last year's annual report, this year's quarterly report double growth) are taking the alpha excess earnings market, such as Jijia Weichuang, Maitou shares, and so on. Jijiawei has been building a bottom since mid-April and is up more than 20% so far; Mai has built a double bottom in April and is up more than 30% so far.

There are many companies similar to Jiejia Weichuang and becoming the target of shares. Here is a list, that is, the targets of double growth in last year's performance, this year's quarterly results and high ROE (return on net assets), many stocks have come out of a strong market.

For photovoltaic companies, there are multiple sources of funds that are also laying out or looking for "good intentions".

For example, LONGi Green Energy, according to its quarterly report, Hillhouse holds 3.3 percent of its holdings.eagamesblockchain.7762 billion shares, unchanged from the previous quarter; well-known investor Chen Fashu increased his position by 1.65 million shares to 1eagamesblockchain.7861 billion shares.

In addition, among the shareholder positions disclosed by Guangxin Materials and Yinguo Laser in the first quarter, Morgan Stanley and UBS both appeared in the list of the top ten tradable shareholders as new entrants.

Another example is Yiheda, whose main business involves photovoltaic components. In a recent survey, well-known investor Ge Weidong's Chaos Investment, Gaoyi Assets, Danshui Spring Investment, etc. all appeared among them.