News summary

[China FAW signed a contract for strategic cooperation with iFlytek and NIO] Securities Times e Company NewspiggybankmegawaysAccording to China FAW newspiggybankmegawaysOn May 21, the Jilin·Anhui Cooperation and Development Exchange Symposium was held in Changchun. At the meeting, China FAW signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with iFlytek and NIO. a Chinesepiggybankmegaways.piggybankmegaways..

piggybankmegaways| China FAW signed a strategic cooperation contract with iFlytek and NIO

Newsletter text

[China FAW signed a contract for strategic cooperation with iFlytek and NIO] Securities Times e Company News, according to China FAW, on May 21, a Jilin·Anhui Cooperation and Development Exchange Symposium was held in Changchun. At the meeting, China FAW signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with iFlytek and NIO. China FAW and iFlytek will focus on infrastructure, algorithms and tools represented by the intelligent computing center, intelligent platforms (including big models, big data, knowledge bases), and intelligent solutions for multiple scenarios on the enterprise and automobile sides. Carry out practical cooperation. China FAW and NIO will carry out comprehensive and multi-level research and development around battery technology standards, rechargeable and replaceable battery models, battery asset management and operation, charging and replacement ecological service network construction and operation, battery industry procurement and supporting strategic cooperation.