Original title: every hot review | the spot sale of "618" in e-commerce is competitive only if there are fewer routines and more experience.

Zhao Wenqi, a commentator of every classics

May 20thSuperdoubledoublebonuspokerTmall, Kuaishou and other e-commerce platforms officially launched the "June 18" promotion.SuperdoubledoublebonuspokerThe prelude to. An eye-catching change is that the pre-sale link, which has been used for nearly a decade, has been cut off by major platforms and replaced by a new model of "spot sale". "June 18" this year, Tmall, JD.com, Kuaishou, Douyin and other mainstream e-commerce have all announced the cancellation of pre-sale.

Pre-sale system, as a traditional strategy of e-commerce platform promotion, has provided merchants with the convenience of locking consumer demand in advance and alleviating logistics pressure. However, in recent years, the problems brought about by the pre-sale system have also been gradually exposed: the complex discount mechanism, the long waiting cycle and a series of dishonest behavior in the pre-sale process have greatly reduced the shopping experience of consumers.

At the beginning of this year, the "2023 Analysis of Complaints accepted by the National Consumer Association" issued by the China Consumer Association directly pointed out the problems existing in the pre-sale model, such as the increase in the price of the final payment, the non-price protection of pre-sold goods, the non-fulfillment of promised gifts, and so on. These have seriously damaged the rights and interests of consumers.

The author noticed that in the promotion of pre-sales in the past few years, many merchants focused on promotion and scarcity, creating an atmosphere in which "good things need to be robbed" for users, so as to promote the sales of popular style goods. Nowadays, with the rise of live e-commerce and social e-commerce, with increasingly transparent prices and ample supply, it is difficult for a single platform to dominate the scarcity of goods, and it is also difficult for consumers to pay for pre-sale and hunger marketing.

In this context, the cancellation of the pre-sale system promoted by the "June 18" e-commerce platform is a major reform of the traditional sales model to meet the needs of consumers. By abolishing the pre-sale system, the e-commerce platform can face the market changes more directly and adjust the commodity supply and price strategy according to the real-time demand of consumers. This flexible market strategy will help e-commerce platform to better grasp market opportunities and enhance market competitiveness.

superdoubledoublebonuspoker| E-commerce's "June 18" spot sales can be competitive with less routines and more experience

However, the cancellation of the pre-sale system also brings new challenges. The author believes that, for small and medium-sized businesses, there is no pre-sale link, how to prepare in advance, how to deal with the emergency during the promotion period, there are many uncertainties. This requires the e-commerce platform to forecast market demand and commodity supply more accurately to ensure the smooth progress of spot sales. At the same time, the e-commerce platform also needs to strengthen the construction of logistics management and after-sales service to deal with the possible surge of orders and return and exchange of goods and other problems.

The author also noticed that after most platforms announced the cancellation of pre-sale, some consumers thought that pre-sale gave many consumers time to consider issuing orders, helping them to lock in inventory in advance, and at the same time had enough time to choose the goods they wanted to place orders together. As a result, many head VJs choose to retain the pre-sale mode. For example, Li Jiaqi's studio announced that he would retain the pre-sale link, but also greatly reduced the pre-sale time to 1 day.

At a time when e-commerce is promoting normalization, any new game has been difficult to attract the attention of consumers. For the e-commerce platform, there are more details of services and implementation of promotions than now. E-commerce platform needs to pay attention to the consumption itself, listen to the voices of consumers, and return to the "user-centered" e-commerce era. Canceling pre-sales means reducing routines and paying more attention to consumer experience and practical interests, which are important ways for e-commerce platforms to find increments in the era of stock competition.