The state continues to introduce the real estate industry.AxisgamecryptoThe policy is good, exceptAxisgamecryptoIn addition to the benefits of real estate stocks, other industries, including but not limited to waterproof materials, decoration and building materials, basic metals, household appliances and other related industries, will also be stimulated, and the valuation of the entire A-share market will also get stronger positive support.

Whether it is to reduce the down payment or interest rates, it is obviously a huge better-than-expected benefit for the real estate industry. If the real estate industry is supported by the recovery of the buyer's market, the inventory of real estate developers will be invigorated, and the trading of the second-hand housing market will be more active. The funds for buying property only make a down payment of at least 15%. On the other hand, the landlord who sold the property received 100% of the capital, and the difference may become the purchase funds for improved housing, or the investment funds for stocks or funds. Or it may become funds for buying new cars, or funds for residents to improve their lives and promote consumption.

From this point of view, while the real estate market is well supported, these new credit funds and support funds will eventually flow into every corner of various industries, regardless of whether residents buy new or second-hand houses. There will be new demand for decoration, furniture and electrical appliances, which will have a positive impact on the relevant listed companies.

From the secondary market point of view, the recent real estate stocks and decoration stocks have continued to rise, in fact, it is also an early response to the expected policy of good real estate.

Under the frequent positive support, the recovery of the real estate market will be good for the entire A-share market, and it will also greatly improve the overall performance level of listed companies. The specific positive significance for the A-share market is not limited to the extent of the performance recovery of the relevant listed companies in the current period.

For example, a 10% increase in the overall performance of the real estate industry may have an impact on stock prices by more than just 10%. A 10% rise in the share price is the most direct positive impact, but at the same time, investors will expect continued good performance and further growth in the coming year and beyond, so investors may give stock price growth expectations of much higher than 10%.

In addition, because there is plenty of money in the market and investor enthusiasm is high, investors are willing to pay a higher price than the valuation to buy stocks, which leads to the upward movement of the entire valuation center and the third support to the stock price. That is, the share prices of listed companies may be higher than investors' valuations other than based on profit growth and expected further profit growth in the future.

In addition to the favorable policies of the real estate industry, investors can also expect good support from the upgrading of cars and enterprise equipment in the future.

Jim Rogers, a famous investment guru, said that the things repeatedly stressed by the government must be taken seriously. Investors should constantly prepare for the benefits of policy, and the recovery in the financial and economic sectors may be much faster than investors think.

Of course, even if the slow bull trend appears successfully, investors also need to identify the fundamental information of listed companies. For ST stocks and stocks with poor performance in sunset industries, investors should try their best to avoid them. After all, under the registration system, there is no real performance support, and it is futile to encounter a bull market.

Zhou Kejing, commentator of Beijing Business Daily

axisgamecrypto| Talk about stocks: It's not just real estate stocks that are good for real estate policies