News summary

Zaiding Pharmaceutical (09688) awarded on May 14, 2024 5superstakeroulette.04 million share options and 3superstakeroulette.740 million RSUssuperstakeroulette, the exercise price is $21.55 per sharesuperstakeroulette, demonstrating the company's confidence in talent motivation and long-term development.

superstakeroulette| Zaiding Pharmaceutical (09688): Equity incentive plan awarded 87,800 depositary shares

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[Zaiding Pharmaceutical grants equity incentives]

On May 14, Zaiding Pharmaceutical (09688) awarded equity incentives to senior executives and core employees. Under the company's 2022 equity incentive plan, three grantees received options to subscribe for a total of 50,400 American Depositary Shares, while six grantees received restricted share units involving a total of 37,400 American Depositary Shares.

The exercise price of the share options is set at $21.55 per American Depositary Share, a move designed to inspire key employees and enhance the sense of belonging and loyalty of the company's core team.

Equity incentives are often regarded as an effective means to enhance corporate value and attract top talents. Whether Zai Ding Pharmaceutical's operation can bring positive changes to the company deserves investors 'continued attention.