News summary

The Apple Futures 2410 contract stabilized after falling, with technical support at around 7300 points. It is estimated that apple production in 2024 will be 38.71 million tons, lower than last yearbestonlineslotsrealmoneyof 45 million tons. As of May 23, national apple stocks fell below 2.9 million tons. Shandong Spot Trading Price 2bestonlineslotsrealmoney.70 yuan, with a pass rate of about 50%. Investors should pay attention to buying opportunities below 7000 points.

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Apple futures contract 2410 fluctuates around the technical support level of 7300

Although Apple futures contract 2410 experienced a day of continued decline after the delisting of Apple's 2405 contract, it showed technical support around 7300 points in the short term.

Apple production forecast for 2024 falls 5%

During the peak period of apple bagging, experts predict that the total apple output in 2024 is expected to be 38.71 million tons, down about 5% from 45 million tons in the same period last year, while apple consumption in 2023 will be approximately 44.24 million tons.

Apple cold storage inventory decreases

According to Mysteel's statistics, as of May 23, 2024, the inventory of apple cold storage in the country's main producing areas was 2.8985 million tons, a decrease of 424,500 tons from last week.

Spot apple prices are close to futures markets

bestonlineslotsrealmoney| Apple 2410 futures contract: short-term technical support of 7300, expected output in 2024 will be 38.71 million tons

The transaction price of Shandong Paper Bag 80 #Apple is 2.70 yuan, which is equivalent to 5400 points in the futures market. When spot apples are converted into warehouse receipts that can be delivered, the pass rate is usually around 50%.

Futures delivery standards spark market discussions

The market has objections to the conversion of apple prices that meet the futures delivery standards, and the delivery premium can be used as a reference. The latest apple futures delivery standards involve multiple indicators, including soluble solids content and fruit diameter.

Funds and emotions affect the trend of apple futures from May to October

From the end of May to October, Apple futures delivery entered a so-called vacuum period, during which the market was mainly affected by funds and market sentiment. Weather, bagging conditions, production estimates and import and export conditions may all have an impact on Apple's 2410 futures contract.

Investors focus on potential opportunities for 2410 contracts

Currently, investors are closely watching potential investment opportunities for Apple Futures Contract 2410 below 7000 points.