pokerafterdark| Everbright Futures: May 23 Agricultural Products Daily

Protein meal:

CBOT soybeans rose on Wednesday, supported by a recent rebound in wheat prices. Although the planting progress in the United States is better than expected and the global soybean supply is sufficiently restrained,PokerafterdarkThere has been an increase. The weather forecast shows that rainfall in the producing areas will slow down, and sowing in the previously affected areas is expected to speed up, but itsPokerafterdarkThere will be a dry window in his area. With the increase in Argentine crushing, the competitiveness of American soybean meal has declined, and futures prices have fallen, which has also depressed the price of American beans. Brazil harvested 97% of soybeans, down from 98% in the same period last year.Pokerafterdark.5%. Anec expects Brazil to export 13.83 million tons of soybeans in May, down from a previous estimate of 14.13 million tons. Domestically, the price of soybean meal is strong. With the release of aquatic demand, the accumulation speed of rapeseed meal is not as fast as expected, and the price difference between spot and futures of soybean meal has narrowed. Cost is the dominant trading theme of futures at present, in operation, you can choose the opportunity to participate in the month, soybean meal unilateral concussion is strong, buy meal to sell oil arbitrage hold.


BMD palm oil was closed on Wednesday. The market was expected to be weak after suffering from a decline in exports in May. Shipping data show that exports of horse palm oil decreased by 8% month-on-month from May 1 to 20.Pokerafterdark.3% Mo 13.2%. Horse palm oil production recovered seasonally, and the market is expected to increase supply pressure. Cowpea oil barely rose, and the support of the upward shift in cowpea costs outweighed the concern of demand. On the domestic side, the price of oil futures is strong and volatile. From the point of view of supply and demand, the domestic oil accumulation cycle is coming, and the spot supply is loose. At present, oil consumption is off-season, and the impact of demand on the disk is limited. Domestic oil mainly follows the fluctuation of outer disk. The commodity index fluctuates sharply and is sensitive to emotion, which aggravates the volatility of the oil market. Generally speaking, the grease is on the strong side. In operation, one side is strong, and the month is positive.

Live pigs:

On Wednesday, the main 2409 contract of live pigs continued to rise, and the price of the day closed with a positive line, with a daily increase of 1.32%, and the 10-day moving average supported short-term prices. In the spot market, pig prices rose over the weekend, breeding stocks rebounded, and optimism in the pig market increased. The average price of Henan pig market is 16.22 yuan / kg, which is 0.24 yuan / kg higher than yesterday. The price of 120-130 kg of well-bred pigs in the local farm is 16.20-16.50 yuan / kg; the price of standard pigs of improved breeds in small and medium-sized farms is about 16.00 yuan / kg, with a low price of 15.80 yuan / kg; and the market price of 140-150 kg big pigs is 15.80-16.00 yuan / kg. Downstream slaughtering market, slaughtering enterprise social farm improved breed standard pig mainstream purchase price about 16.00 yuan / kg, all weigh about 120 kilograms. From a regional point of view, pig prices in many places in China are running strongly, and pig prices in Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Hubei, Henan and other places are on the rise, and the spot market is bullish and enthusiastic. Technically, the pig market at the beginning of the week is up, futures are down, and the basis is strong. In the middle of the week, futures rose and pig prices resumed upward. Short-term indicators focus on the impact of 10-day and 20-day moving average support on prices, long-term multiple orders continue to hold.


On Wednesday, egg futures prices fluctuated, with the main 2409 contract rising 0.88% to 4005 yuan / 500kg. Egg spot callback, Zhuochuang data show that yesterday, the national egg price 4.09 yuan / jin, down 0.05 yuan / jin. Among them, Ningjin pink shell eggs 3.9 yuan / jin, down 0.1 yuan / jin, Montenegro market brown shell eggs 4 yuan / jin, flat; in the sales area, Puxi brown shell eggs 4.22 yuan / jin, flat, Guangzhou market brown shell eggs 4.43 yuan / jin, 0.07 yuan / jin. After the spot price of eggs continues to rise, it enters the range of relatively high prices. There has been no significant progress in terminal demand, and traders tend to be cautious in preparing goods. The supply of goods in the production areas is normal, the shipping enthusiasm of breeding units is increased, and the spot price of eggs is adjusted back. In terms of fundamentals, supply continues to increase, but the trend is relatively stable, and spot prices of eggs will rebound under the boost of seasonal demand in the third quarter. However, the short-term plum rainy season is not conducive to storage, and the spot price of eggs is expected to decline in mid-late May. It is suggested that in the medium and long term, there is a possibility of a pullback in the short-term rainy season, and short-term trading is dominated by band trading. Pay attention to spot price fluctuations and changes in market sentiment.


On Wednesday, corn increased its positions and prices of corn and starch resumed to rise. On the same day, corn contract led the rise in recent months, far-month contracts with the rise, near-and far-month contract price difference widened. In the spot market, from yesterday afternoon to the evening, the prices of some deeply processed corn in Shandong continued to rise. Today, the price of deeply processed corn in Shandong has increased, which can meet the needs of enterprises. Corn prices as a whole remain stable, individual enterprise prices are adjusted in a narrow range, and mainstream prices remain unchanged. Prices in Hebei and Henan remained stable. Grass-roots purchases and sales are relatively stable, and the market as a whole is still bullish. The market price in the sales area is on the strong side, and the purchasing and selling activities in the corn spot market are stable. The price in the production area is strong, so that the cost of arrival in the sales area has increased, and the quotation of dealers has risen. Feed enterprises mainly purchase on demand, and some pay attention to the new season wheat. Technically, the corn September contract returned to the 2500 yuan integer mark, corn quotations in producing areas and ports rose, the spot rise gave a positive boost to futures, corn futures prices resumed upward performance, and the corn 9-1 spread is expected to continue to expand in arbitrage.