News summary

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova said on the 20th25freespinsstarburstnodepositRussia calls on the United States to continue to abide by its commitments in the field of nuclear testing bans25freespinsstarburstnodepositObligations, abandon the route of undermining the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and quickly take measures to ratify this treaty. Reports said that Zakharova was in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs25freespinsstarburstnodeposit.25freespinsstarburstnodeposit..

Newsletter text

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova said on the 20th that Russia calls on the United States to continue to abide by its obligations in the field of nuclear testing ban, abandon its route of undermining the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and quickly take measures to ratify the treaty. According to the report, Zakharova pointed out in a statement released on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "The Russian Federation calls on Washington to continue to abide by its obligations in the field of banning nuclear tests, abandon the route of undermining the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, and take measures to ratify this treaty quickly."

25freespinsstarburstnodeposit| Russia shouts to the United States: approve quickly