Against Nanjing Chemical Fiber (Rights Protection)(600889) on the afternoon of May 20, 2024crashxspyroCombined with media reports and market doubts, Lawyer Xu Feng of Shanghai Jiucheng Law Firm believes that Nanjing Chemical Fiber (600889) shares are suspected of being manipulated. Regarding the relevant abnormal performance, Lawyer Xu Feng suggested that the regulatory authorities intervene in the investigation as soon as possible and give a market response. (Xu Feng's lawyer's column)

At the same time, in response to possible illegal activities of market manipulation, Xu Feng's lawyers 'team initiated claim registration against Nanjing Chemical Fiber investors who may have suffered losses due to market manipulation. The registration conditions are as follows: Investors who buy Nanjing Chemical Fiber (600889) shares between May 10, 2024 and 14:34 pm on May 20, 2024, and sell or continue to hold Nanjing Chemical Fiber shares at a loss after 14:34 pm on May 20, 2024 can make preliminary claim preparation work. If subsequent relevant evidence of market manipulation is verified, investors can initiate a claim in accordance with the law, and the specific conditions will be finally determined by the judiciary. (Nanjing Chemical Fiber Rights Protection Entrance)

Article 55 of the Securities Law stipulates that anyone is prohibited from manipulating the securities market by using the following means to influence or attempt to influence securities trading prices or securities trading volume:

(1) Alone or through collusion, concentrating capital advantages, shareholding advantages, or using information advantages to jointly or continuously buy and sellcrashxspyro;

(2) Colluding with others to conduct securities transactions with each other at the time, price and method agreed in advance;

(3) Conduct securities trading between accounts under their actual control;

(4) Not for the purpose of transaction transactions, frequently or in large quantities and cancel declarations;

(5) Using false or uncertain material information to induce investors to conduct securities trading;

(6) Publicly make evaluations, forecasts or investment suggestions on securities and issuers, and conduct reverse securities transactions;

(7) Manipulating the securities market by using activities in other related markets;

crashxspyro| Nanjing Chemical Fiber (600889) shares are suspected of being manipulated, investors pre-register claims

(8) Other means of manipulating the securities market.

Article 55 of the Securities Law also stipulates that if investors are manipulated in the securities market and cause losses, they shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the law. If Nanjing Chemical Fiber investors meet the relevant preliminary claim registration conditions, lawyers recommend maintaining close attention.

(This article was contributed by Lawyer Xu Feng, director of Shanghai Jiucheng Law Firm, and does not represent Sina Finance's position. Lawyer Xu Feng has practiced as a lawyer since 2008. His practice services include claim agency in areas such as misrepresentation, insider trading, and market manipulation. Over the past ten years, investors who have represented nearly 200 stocks have won the case or won compensation through mediation. During the same period, there have also been claims for nearly 300 stocks within the statute of limitations of agency litigation. Some cases have also won the case and won compensation through mediation. Practice license number: 13101200810965495)