Automobile tire is one of the important parts of the automobile, it not only carries the weight of the car, but also directly related to driving safety. However, in the course of daily useSafetybingoWe may find the phenomenon of bulging in the tires. So, what is the cause of the tire drum?

oneSafetybingo. Overload driving

safetybingo| What are the reasons for bulging car tires?

Overloading is one of the common causes of tire drum. When the car carries more weight than the tire can bear, the pressure inside the tire increases, resulting in a tire drum. In addition, long-term overload driving will also lead to tire wear acceleration, affecting the service life of the tire.

two。 Road surface impact

Road impact is another common cause of tire bulging. When the car is in the process of driving, the tire suffers a strong impact, such as hitting the curb, potholes and so on, which may lead to damage to the internal structure of the tire, and then lead to bulging. Therefore, when driving, we should pay attention to avoid these road obstacles and reduce the impact on tires.

3. Driving at high speed

High-speed driving is also an important factor in tire drum. In the process of high-speed driving, the friction between the tire and the ground increases, which leads to the increase of the tire internal temperature and the internal pressure. If the quality and wear resistance of the tire itself is poor, it is easy to appear bulging phenomenon.

4. Tire quality problem

In addition to the above reasons, the quality problems of the tire itself may also lead to bulging. Some low-quality tires may have problems such as bubbles and impurities in the production process, which will be gradually exposed in the process of tire use, and eventually lead to tire bulging. Therefore, when choosing tires, we should choose well-known brands and high-quality tires.

In order to better understand the causes of tire drum bags, we can compare them with the following table:

The reason is described in detail that the weight carried by the overloaded vehicle exceeds the range that the tire can bear, which leads to the increase of the internal pressure of the tire, the impact of the road surface, the strong impact of the tire, such as impact kerbs, potholes, etc., resulting in damage to the internal structure of the tire, high-speed driving at high speed, resulting in an increase in tire internal temperature and internal pressure. When the quality and wear resistance of the tire are poor, it is easy to have the quality problems of the bulging tire, such as bubbles and impurities in the production process, resulting in the bulging of the tire.

In a word, the tire drum is a problem that needs to be paid attention to, which not only affects the service life of the tire, but also related to driving safety. In order to avoid tire bulging, we should use tires reasonably, avoid overloading, high-speed driving and road impact, and choose high-quality tires.

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