Special topic: Baidu Vice President of Public Relations buys account to make short video controversial

Source: Alpha Workshop

Introduction: "Baidu public relations, personally created a Baidu public relations crisis."

The founder of Ford Motor, Ford Sr., once left a sentence that was notoriously criticized as a sweaty capitalist, "I only hired a pair of hands, how did a man come?"Pennslammer35500weight? "

During the May Day holiday, Baidu's vice president of public relations, Luo Jing, successfully listed all kinds of hot searches and lists with just a few controversial video content, which made the broad masses of workers feel extremely uncomfortable.

For example:

"Why should I think about employee families? I'm not her mother-in-law. "

"you don't have to take on important work, but you don't have anything to do when you get a raise."

"our relationship is just an employment relationship. What I'm thinking about is whether he can deliver the results to me in time."

In this regard, some people joked: "Baidu public relations, personally created a Baidu public relations crisis."

Baidu with two poles reversal

No matter how to interpret the content in her video, only from the impact point of view, has caused a substantial public relations crisis for Baidu.

First of all, the market capitalization was affected. After the overheated search, on May 7, Baidu Hong Kong shares traded at 108.Pennslammer35500weight.3 Hong Kong dollars closed down 2.17%, and the market value lost more than 6 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Second, the discussion of video content has further risen to the discussion of Baidu's values.

For example, some netizens pointed out, "Wei Jing is the vice president of public relations of Baidu, and fans will think that she represents Baidu culture for her words and deeds." At this time, she shows her sense of superiority as a high-level, and her impersonal feelings in the workplace, what will fans think of Baidu? "

"once a company uses its employees as a tool, employees will only use the company as a tool and will not really think about the development of the company. When an enterprise turns characters into tools and pursues profit maximization, do not expect employees to pay true feelings to the enterprise. "

A number of media have also come off the stage and began to criticize such words that do not treat employees as human beings. For example, Red Star News gave very incisive comments:

"Enterprises should not just want to enjoy the use value given by their employees without bearing the emotional burden generated by their employees."

Back in the video, Jing Jing lectured the workers with a condescending attitude. At a time of tense labor relations in society, it can be said that she stepped on the biggest thunder.

At least two well-known public relations crises made the same mistake last year.

For example, in the Dong Yuhui small composition incident last year, Dongfang Xiao Sun went so far as to broadcast live to drop his mobile phone, criticizing the editor, criticizing Yuhui, and criticizing the audience, directly dropping 400000 fans.

For example, Li Jiaqi asked viewers to reflect on "whether wages have risen over the years and whether they have worked hard" in the studio.

It is well known how serious the impact of these two is.

And Jing Jing as the number one position in public relations, her biggest work goal should be to make it impossible for the outside world to feel that the company has public relations. She appeared in person, a variety of unusual behavior, and let netizens recall Baidu's "Putian Department Advertising, Wei Zexi incident", Baidu has become a reversal between the gold and AI technology companies.

Jing Jing from the Perspective of ESG

pennslammer35500weight| Regarding Baidu's "Qu Jing Incident", Ford once had a famous saying: I hired a pair of hands, why is there alone?

In her short five videos, not only all kinds of "anti-human" words can be seen everywhere, but more seriously, if what she said is true, then her behavior has been suspected of violating the "prohibition of forced labor" in the labor law.

Article 37 of the Constitution clearly provides that the personal freedom of citizens shall not be infringed upon. The Labor Law and the Labor contract Law also explicitly prohibit forced labor by employers. The Criminal Law also explicitly stipulates the crime of forced labor.

Based on these legal requirements, in specific judicial practice, enterprises shall not force employees to establish labor relations with them or require them to provide labor in ways that go against the will of employees, such as violence, threats or restrictions on workers' personal freedom.

At the same time, enterprises shall not set up unreasonable obstacles (such as on the grounds that the project has not been completed) to prevent employees from resigning.

In terms of overtime, enterprises should first of all abide by the restrictive provisions of China's labor law on the length of overtime.

Moreover, in arranging overtime, enterprises should consider not only the needs of management, but also the wishes of employees, and should not force or force employees to work overtime in a disguised form. If the enterprise needs to arrange overtime work as a whole due to production and operation, the enterprise needs to consult and reach an agreement with the trade union and employees (except where it is necessary to extend the working hours in case of legal emergency), and the enterprise shall also arrange for overtime employees to take time off or pay overtime pay.

Hu sniff said in a recent report that after Baidu works overtime, it is only possible to apply for overtime pay in Baidu's intranet system in principle. In practice, employees are "embarrassed and afraid to submit an application, and even if approved, the leader may not be happy." In a sense, overtime is not usually recognized as overtime.

In addition, in the video, Jing Jing said that if someone libels her, she has the ability to make her lose her job in the industry and significantly violates the labor laws and regulations of our country.

In fact, whether the video content is true or not, it also seriously damages Baidu's ESG image, because one of the important issues in ESG-labor management, is designed for this purpose.

From the perspective of ESG, employees are important assets of the enterprise, and the efficiency and vitality of employees are very important to the development of the enterprise.

Employees' demands and expectations generally include equal employment, salary and performance, occupational health and safety, protection of welfare rights and interests, working environment and promotion channels.

The most commonly used measure is to use the employee turnover rate as a quantitative index to judge the level of labor management in enterprises. Take the public relations department led by Luo Jing, for example, enterprises will have more fixed staff to connect with a certain media to facilitate information release and disclosure.

However, Hu smell's report mentioned that Baidu can change three or four docking people a year. "the reporter just got familiar with the docking person, but the other person left soon, which caused some inconvenience to the media work." When encountering public opinion, Baidu media staff will cry to the media reporters and editors that if they can't quell public opinion, they will lose their jobs.

People are not tools.

Henry Ford made that infamous remark against the background of the era of industrial production, when assembly line production was very clear, and when the workers arrived, all they had to do was to do things step by step.

But unfortunately, workers have their own thoughts and emotions. they have sadness and joy, and they will resist when they get sick.

Later, Mr. Peter Drucker, a well-known management scientist, firmly opposed all this, which he thought ran counter to the purpose of management.

Fortunately, after some thinking and insight from Ford II and Baker, he found that it was wrong to treat these assembly line employees as production tools, because it would only make them more passive and even confrontational.

And respect them, stimulate their larger self, give them a sense of achievement and a sense of dignity in their work, so that they can take the initiative to work, achieve results and performance, and create considerable performance.

The core of this is concern for human beings, concern for human dignity and development.

Looking back at how many manufacturing enterprises in China, the management is responsible for making rules and solving problems, while front-line employees are only responsible for implementation, and they do not need and do not want employees to have too much thinking process.

The Fangdonglai supermarket in Xuchang, Henan Province is also a hot search, but every time the warm-hearted image appears in front of the public: the tea supermarket announces that employees will get off work three hours ahead of time in order to stabilize quality and avoid too tired; close the shop every Tuesday; give employees a "surrender prize"; all goods sold can be returned and exchanged for no reason.

Fat Donglai has never mentioned the concept of ESG, but it embodies the practical practice of ESG everywhere. in fact, what it does is to protect the basic rights and interests of employees and care for their physical and mental health.

Nowadays, the ESG in full swing in China is not a cold term and development concept, it represents the true responsibility and commitment of the enterprise to the employees, to the society and to the public.