Newsletter summary

Measures for the Management of Information of beneficiary owners issued to promote the filing system of Information of beneficiary owners according to the official Wechat account of the people's Bank of China, the people's Bank of China and the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration jointly issued the measures for the Management of Information of beneficiary owners (ChinaCarcrashsimulatoronline...

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Measures for the Management of Information for beneficiary owners issued to promote the Construction of Information filing system for beneficiary owners, according to the official Wechat account of the people's Bank of China, the people's Bank of China and the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration jointly issued the measures for the Management of Information on beneficiary owners (decree No. 3 of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of the people's Bank of China (2024), hereinafter referred to as the "Administration measures") Shall enter into force as of November 1, 2024. The Management measures have been established and perfected.CarcrashsimulatoronlineChina's beneficiary owner information filing system is an important measure to optimize the business environment in our country. Promoting the construction of the information filing system for beneficiary owners can more clearly reflect the ownership structure, ultimate control and benefits of companies and other entities, improve market transparency, enhance information symmetry and mutual trust among business entities, improve transaction security and transaction efficiency, and further optimize the business environment of our country. At the same time, the beneficiary owner information filing system helps to prevent violations such as shell companies, false capital injection and nested shareholding from the source, helps to crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as telecommunications network fraud, and helps to prevent and curb corruption. Proofread: Liu Rongzhi

carcrashsimulatoronline| The "Measures for the Management of Beneficiary Owners Information" was released to promote the construction of the Beneficiary Owners Information filing system