The Supreme People's Procuratorate held a press conference on "Deepening Intellectual Property Prosecutions and Comprehensive Performance of Duties to Promote the Development of New Quality Productivity". Gong Ming, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, said at the meetingtopgameblockchainIn the next step, the procuratorate will work hard to serve the healthy development of the future industry. Future industries are the main form of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and are the concentrated representatives of new productive forces. The procuratorate will focus on strengthening judicial protection of intellectual property rights in future industries such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, green energy, and information and communications. It must not only "strictly enforce the law" to prevent infringers from committing crimes, but also "promptly enforce the law" to avoid rights holders 'legitimate rights and interests continue to be damaged. Increase judicial protection for scientific researchers involved in future industries, prudently handle cases involving scientific research funding and high-tech talents, create a good atmosphere that encourages innovation and tolerates failure, and stimulate the innovation vitality of the whole society. (surging)

topgameblockchain| Supreme Inspection: We will focus on strengthening judicial protection of intellectual property rights in future industries such as artificial intelligence-36 Kr