News summary

Hefei building materials market prices rise5lionsmegaways™, the guidance price of building materials in leading steel mills increased by 20 yuan, and the market price increased by about 40 yuan accordingly. Spot market shipments increased to 8150 tons, demand increased steadily, and traders are bullish about tomorrow's market.

Newsletter text

Hefei building materials market experienced price increases and demand increased

5lionsmegaways™| Ma Changjiang building materials prices rise: spot volume in Hefei market increased by 1390 tons, and demand increased significantly

[Building materials prices in the Hefei Building Materials Market have risen sharply, and the closing price of Ma Changjiang fluctuated between 3650 and 3660 yuan.] Early this morning, the guidance price of building materials for major steel mills increased by 20 yuan compared with yesterday. Specifically, the market price rose by about 40 yuan in the morning, and spot prices stabilized after intraday shocks. In the futures market, black products generally rose at the close, but the market momentum weakened in the afternoon.

In terms of the spot market, the total shipments of 12 building materials traders in Hefei surveyed by this website reached 8150 tons, an increase of 1390 tons from the previous trading day. Today's market demand is performing well, and the demand of end users to replenish the database is beginning to appear. When asked about tomorrow's market trends, most people expect prices to remain stable and may continue to rise.

In addition, when the author visited the steel market of China Railway Fourth Engineering Group, he learned from relevant people that despite the increase in market prices, demand growth still exists, showing the vitality of the market.