The excessive water temperature of the car is a very serious problem, which may lead to damage to the car engine and even make the car unable to drive. However, many car owners are still hesitant to continue driving in such a situation. In order to help you better understand the problemTiger'sRichesRoarWe will explain in detail from the following aspects:

oneTiger'sRichesRoar. Why is the water temperature of the car too high?

The excessive water temperature of a car is usually caused by a problem with the cooling system. This may be due to insufficient coolant, blockage of the radiator, damage to the pump and so on. When the cooling system does not work properly, the heat generated by the engine can not be emitted effectively, resulting in excessive water temperature.

two。 The seriousness of excessive water temperature

If the water temperature of the car is too high and continue to drive, it may cause the engine to overheat and cause a series of problems. This includes damage to pistons, cylinders, valves and other components, and may even lead to engine rupture. In addition, overheated engine may also lead to thinning of engine oil, decrease of lubrication effect, and further aggravate engine wear.

3. How to judge that the water temperature is too high?

There is a water thermometer on the dashboard of the car, which can display the water temperature of the engine in real time. When the pointer of the water thermometer points to the red area, the water temperature of the engine is already too high. In addition, if the warning light of "engine overheating" is on, it also means that the water temperature of the engine is too high.

4. What should I do if I find the water temperature is too high?

When the water temperature of the car is found to be too high, stop immediately and turn off the engine. Then check the liquid level of the coolant. If the level is too low, the coolant should be added in time. If the liquid level is normal, then there may be something wrong with the cooling system and professional maintenance personnel are needed for inspection and maintenance.

5. Precautionary measures

In order to prevent the water temperature of the car from being too high, the car owner should check the cooling system regularly, including the liquid level of the coolant, the cleanliness of the radiator, the working status of the pump and so on. If problems are found, repair or replacement should be carried out in a timely manner. In addition, car owners should also avoid driving at high speed for a long time or frequently using air conditioning to reduce the load of the engine.

Tiger'sRichesRoar| Can the car continue to drive when the water temperature is too high?

Here are some tables on the possible causes of excessive water temperature and the countermeasures:

Measures to be taken: lack of coolant to check the liquid level of coolant, timely addition of coolant radiator to plug and clean radiator, removal of blockage and damage of water pump to check the working status of water pump, if necessary, change pump for long time and high speed to avoid long time high speed, timely stop and rest frequently use air conditioner to reduce air conditioning frequency, avoid increasing engine load.

In a word, the excessive water temperature of cars is a very serious problem, and car owners should attach great importance to it. Once the water temperature is found to be too high, stop and check immediately to avoid further driving. At the same time, car owners should also regularly check and maintain the cooling system to prevent the problem of excessive water temperature.