Interface News reporter | Gao Jing

It is still difficult to charge at high speed on May Day this year.

At 09:10 in the evening, Mr. Xi (a pseudonym) from Beijing finally filled his car in the Dingzhou service area of Hebei Province.BarbaccaraThe electricity was turned off. At this time, he has already lined upBarbaccaraIt's been a team for nearly an hour.

According to Mr. Xi, it was the first time for him to drive a tram on a holiday. Although he had made a charging plan in advance, he chose to recharge in the service area when he was left with 100 kilometers of mileage due to electricity anxiety. "as soon as I entered the service area, I saw a car owner clashing over charging piles, and the police rushed to the scene to deal with it." Mr. Xi said.

After experiencing the May Day "high-speed charging difficulty", Mr. Xi said that he would no longer consider driving a tram on the highway during the holidays in the future.

With the start of the May Day holiday, a group of car owners from all over the country have once again complained about recharging in the high-speed service area. According to the interface news on the Weibo platform, a number of netizens from Sichuan and Hunan reported that they need to queue up to recharge their cars, but some netizens also reported that the queue this year is better than the same period last year.

According to the official account of the Road Network Monitoring and Emergency response Center of the Ministry of Transport, it is estimated that the average daily flow of expressways throughout the country during the May Day holiday this year is about 63.5 million vehicles, which is about 1% of the daily flow.Barbaccara8 times, the peak is expected to reach 67 million, exceeding the level of the same period in 2023 and 2019.

During the May Day holiday, the average daily flow of highway minibuses across the country is expected to be about 57.5 million, and the flow of new energy vehicles continues to grow, accounting for more than 11% of the total traffic.

According to the 2022 White Paper on charging behavior of Chinese Electric vehicle users released last year, 70Barbaccara.5% of users think that the queuing time for charging in the high-speed service area is too long, and about 47% of the users think that the charging power in the high-speed service area is small and the fast charging pile is less.

barbaccara| Charging on May Day is difficult. Listen to suggestions from experts and operators

According to the official Weibo of the Chinese government website on April 26, a netizen from Guangxi pointed out that there are some pain points when driving an all-electric car to charge in the service area of the highway. these include fewer charging piles, old and low-power charging facilities, many faulty piles, high charges, and "different rights for oil and electricity" in some areas.

In response, the National Energy Administration said, "the National Energy Administration is highly concerned about the charging of new energy vehicles on the highway and, together with the Ministry of Transport, continues to promote the construction of charging facilities along the highway."

Tong Zongqi, deputy secretary-general of the China Electric vehicle charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance, told the Interface News on April 30 that although the highway charging problem still exists in some areas and is difficult to solve in a short period of time, it will gradually improve.

He pointed out that with the gradual growth of the number of new energy vehicles, the proportion of new highway piles is also gradually increasing, and mainly high-power charging piles of more than 160kW.

In addition, over the past year or so, every holiday, the highway service area will also have some mobile charging robots, mobile charging cars and other flexible energy facilities, has been able to partially alleviate the "charging difficulty" problem.

Guo Sheng, deputy director of the Highway Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, said at an April news conference held by the Ministry of Transport on April 29 that the Ministry of Transport has accelerated the construction of charging infrastructure along the highway, and so far, a total of 23600 charging piles have been built. "with the continuous improvement of charging facilities in the service area, the 'replenishment anxiety' of electric vehicle owners on high speed and long distance is gradually alleviating."

Tong Zongqi suggested to electric vehicle owners that before driving electric vehicles, especially before medium-and long-distance trips, charging routes must be planned through a third-party platform in advance. In addition, according to the current electric vehicle charging, lithium battery technology, it is recommended that electric vehicles should mainly travel within a short distance as far as possible.

Charging pile operator Xing Xing said to the interface news that during the holiday travel peak, you can choose to get off the highway to recharge, and other charging stations can be found within 3 kilometers of getting off the highway.

The special call said that car owners are advised to avoid the peak charging period and choose off-peak travel as far as possible. If you wait in line, you can try to charge to the service area through the culvert, or check the use of public charging piles near the high-speed exit, and choose a reasonable urban public charging station to charge.