The housing purchase restriction policy is gradually withdrawing from the market.

Chengdu, Sichuan Province issued a notice to further optimize the real estate market policy, which will come into effect on April 29, 2024, according to the official Wechat account "Chengdu Housing Construction".

The notice makes it clear that citywide housing transactions will no longer examine the eligibility for housing purchases, that is, citywide housing transactions will no longer examine household registration, social security and other conditions for house purchase, and will no longer limit the number of units purchased. At the same time, the city's commercial housing projects no longer implement notarized lottery room selection, and are sold by enterprises independently.

This also means that after Chengdu has become a hot provincial capital city such as Wuhan, Hefei, Nanjing, Changsha and so on, it is another city that has fully liberalized the restrictions on housing purchase.

The housing purchase restriction policy in Chengdu has been implemented for seven and a half years, and has been optimized many times before.

Reviewing the purchase restriction policy in Chengdu, it has been implemented for about seven and a half years. On October 1, 2016, Chengdu Housing Administration and other departments issued a number of measures to promote the stable and healthy development of our city's real estate market. Chengdu High-tech Zone, Chengdu Tianfu New area, Jinjiang District, Qingyang District, Jinniu District, Wuhou District, Chenghua District, Longquanyi District, Xindu District, Wenjiang District, Shuangliu District and Pixian implemented housing purchase restrictions. Natural persons and legal persons with the same identity can only buy 1 new set of commercial housing (not limited to second-hand housing).

On March 23, 2017, Chengdu issued a notice on improving our city's housing purchase restriction policy, bringing second-hand housing into the scope of purchase restrictions. If buyers are required to buy second-hand housing in housing restricted areas, they should meet the conditions for the purchase of commercial housing and can only purchase one new set of housing (including commercial housing and second-hand housing). In April of the same year, the restriction on the sale of housing in Chengdu began.JokerswildvideoIn November, Chengdu Xinfang implemented the lottery policy, becoming the fourth city of notarization lottery after Shanghai, Nanjing and Changsha.

In 2018, Chengdu ushered in the upgrading of regulation and control. At that time, news such as "70,000 people robbed thousands of apartments and the line to buy houses stretched for several kilometers" was reported in the press, and many cities, including Chengdu, also welcomed interviews with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The interview pointed out that effective measures should be taken to conscientiously implement the regulation and control objectives of stabilizing house prices and rents; strengthen capital control, effectively reduce financial leverage, and guard against market risks; vigorously rectify and standardize market order, strengthen expectation management and public opinion guidance, curb speculation, and support and meet the rigid housing needs of the masses.

jokerswildvideo| The housing purchase restriction policy has gradually withdrawn from the market, and only Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Xi'an and Hainan are still implementing purchase restrictions.

On the evening of May 15, 2018, after the interview, the Chengdu Municipal Government issued the Circular on further improving the Regulation and Control Policy of our City's Real Estate Market, which clearly adjusted the purchase restrictions from natural persons to families; buyers who have moved into Chengdu for less than 24 months should have stable employment in Chengdu and continue to pay social security for more than 12 months before they can buy new housing. Parents who rely on adult children to enter the household shall not buy a house as a separate family. At the same time, Chengdu will extend the sales restriction to the whole city, and newly purchased commercial housing or second-hand housing within the city-wide scope must obtain an immovable property right certificate for three years before it can be transferred.

Starting from the second half of 2021, with the decline of the property market, local real estate policies began to be loosened, and Chengdu is no exception.

In May 2022, Chengdu issued the notice on supporting rigid and improved Housing demand, relaxing the conditions for determining purchase restrictions and owning houses; in November, optimizing regional purchase restrictions and improving the selection of commercial housing notarized by lottery; in December, the purchase restriction policy was optimized and improved again. Parents who rely on adult children can buy a house in the corresponding restricted area of household registration. In September 2023, Chengdu Guanxuan more than 144 square meters of housing purchase restrictions were lifted, purchase restrictions were adjusted. Sichuan Tianfu New District Direct Administration Zone, Chengdu High-tech Zone Southern Park, Jinjiang District, Qingyang District, Jinniu District, Wuhou District, Chenghua District continue to implement housing purchase restrictions, unified into a restricted area. Other areas no longer examine and approve the eligibility to buy a house.

This time, Chengdu made it clear that citywide housing transactions will no longer examine and verify the eligibility of housing purchases, which also means that Chengdu has completely withdrawn from the purchase restriction policy.

According to the incomplete statistics of Zhuge data Research Center, since last year, as of April 28 this year, about 35 cities across the country have relaxed purchase restrictions, including 22 cities such as Hefei, Kunming, Suzhou and Changsha.

The housing purchase restriction policy is gradually withdrawn from the market, and only seven cities except Hainan Province still implement the purchase restriction.

Combined with recent property market data, the trend of market transactions in Chengdu in March was the same as that in most cities across the country, rebounding sharply month-on-month, but it was still not as hot as last year's Xiaoyangchun. According to the monitoring data of Zhuge data Research Center, new commercial housing and second-hand housing in Chengdu sold 8924 and 18771 units respectively in March 2024, down 41% from the same period last year.Jokerswildvideo.9%, 33.4%. Combined with the sentiment index of market leading indicators established by Zhuge data Research Center, the current market sentiment repair situation is also temporarily unstable. In March 2024, the market sentiment index in Chengdu was-0.79, which was at the low level of the market wait-and-see range, down 0.05 from last month.

Guan Rongxue, a senior analyst at Zhuge data Research Center, pointed out that from the policy trend, since the beginning of this year, the real estate market policy has generally continued to be loose, with the core first-and second-tier cities acting as the main force in loosening purchase restrictions.

According to the monitoring of the Institute of the Middle Index, up to now, in addition to Hainan Province, among the core cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou (new houses), Tianjin, Xi'an and other core areas still maintain the purchase restriction policy.

Li Yujia, chief researcher of the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Urban Planning, believes that the global withdrawal of purchase restrictions is a common choice for second-tier cities recently, and is expected to cover other cities next. Under the background of systematically planning to stabilize the property market policy to strengthen the local main responsibility and the new housing market in the first quarter is not as expected, the local power to rescue the market is stronger.

At present, the purchase restrictions in first-tier cities have also begun to be loosened.

Guangzhou has become the first one of the first-tier cities to relax the conditions for housing purchase. At present, Guangzhou in the restricted area, the purchase of housing with a construction area of more than 120 square meters (excluding 120 square meters) is not included in the scope of purchase restrictions.

In January this year, Shanghai optimized the housing purchase restriction policy to support non-Shanghai singles to buy houses. Since January 31, non-local residents who have paid social insurance or personal income tax for five years or more in Shanghai can restrict the purchase of one house outside the outer ring (except Chongming District).

Beijing optimized the purchase restriction policy in Tongzhou property market in February this year, and households with settled or employed households are no longer subject to "double restrictions". At the same time, further relax the policy of divorce purchase restrictions. A relevant staff member of the Beijing Municipal Housing and Construction Commission said, "since March 27, the divorce purchase restriction policy will no longer be implemented." That is, buying a house in Beijing after divorce is no longer limited by the number of years of divorce. In April, Beijing further optimized its property market policy, implementing the first suite credit policy for applicants who have been divorced for less than one year if they do not have a complete home.

Shenzhen issued a new policy in February this year. Households with household registration (including those whose members are registered in this city) are restricted to two houses, and adult singles registered in this city (including divorce) are restricted to purchase one house. The fixed number of years of settlement and the requirements for the payment of personal income tax and social insurance will be abolished.

In addition, after the recent "May Day" in the market, Shenzhen will abolish the purchase restrictions in areas outside Futian and Nanshan, and at the same time abolish the value-added tax for five years, which can be exempted for three years. consulted through Shenzhen 12345, the Shenzhen Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau said that the relevant policy information is subject to the official announcement of the Municipal Housing Construction Bureau. The Municipal Housing Construction Bureau will combine the actual situation of the real estate market and make good use of the policy toolbox under the leadership of the Shenzhen Municipal CPC Committee and the Shenzhen Municipal Government to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents and promote the stable and healthy development of the Shenzhen real estate market.